たこ焼道楽わなか(Takoyaki Doraku Wanaka)

Food culture

Continued to be loved for half a century and will continue

Takoyaki Doraku Wanaka, which has been well received by the people of Osaka.

Wanaka, which ran a sushi restaurant and a confectionery store a thousand days ago, was a common store in the town that was familiar to children in the neighborhood.

It is his roots in “Wanaka” as the current “Takoyaki” that he started to bake takoyaki at the eaves.

The secret of Takoyaki in Wanaka, which is delicious as it is, lies in the dough.
Finely textured flour, moderate dashi and salty taste for an exquisite taste.

The fluffy texture that comes after the crispy first bite, the fruity sauce, and the carefully selected high-quality ingredients are attractive and have been loved by many for many years.

There are four popular seasonings: sauce, kettle-cooked salt, soy sauce, and spicy sauce.

In particular, the menu called “Oiri”, which allows you to order multiple seasonings at once, is popular.

We would like you to continue researching from the time of establishment and eat as many delicious foods as you like.

I’m full of such thoughts.

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I introduced it briefly, but when you actually come to the site, you can experience the history and tradition more concretely with the locals.

We look forward to hearing from you in Japan!

Thank you for reading to the end!

Also, I would like to post an interesting part of Kansai.

Then, have a good trip from now on!

PS. We provide various information about Kansai in Japan, so please feel free to contact us if you want to directly observe and experience Japanese traditional culture and food culture!

The content of the homepage is limited to Nara prefecture, but if you want to go outside of Nara prefecture, please contact us!

Let’s find our happiness together!

Click here for details!

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