Travel Diary(旅)

Travel diary 5 ~ Experience the traditional culture of Kouga in Shiga! ~

Region The ceramic industry, which is one of the six old kil...
Traditional crafts

Yokkaichi Banko yaki(四日市萬古焼:Yokkaichi Banko ware) 

1.What is Yokkaichi Banko yaki? Banko ware has a wide variet...
Traditional event

Hina matsuri(ひな祭り) ~Traditional event~

What is the Hina matsuri(Doll's Festival)? The Doll's Festiv...
Traditional crafts

Kyo Yuzen(京友禅)

1. What is Kyo Yuzen? A kimono made by a dyeing technique ca...
Traditional crafts

Banshu Miki Uchihamono(播州三木打刃物)

1. What is Banshu Miki Uchihamono? Banshu Miki Uchihamono is...
Traditional crafts

Osaka Senshu Kiritannsu(大阪泉州桐箪笥:Osaka Senshu paulownia chest)

1. What is Osaka Senshu Kiritansu? The paulownia chest, whic...
Traditional crafts

Toyooka Kiryuzaiku(豊岡杞柳細工)

1.What is Toyooka kiryuzaiku? It is a woodwork product made ...
Traditional crafts

Omi Jofu(近江上布)

1. What is Omi Jofu? It is a woven fabric made around Echi-g...
Traditional crafts

Ise Katagami(伊勢型紙)

What is Ise Katagami? Even now, more than 90% of the pattern...
Traditional crafts

Kishu Tansu(紀州箪笥:Kishu chest)

1. What is Kishu Tansu? It is a woodwork product made in Kis...