
Tourist attractions

天神橋筋商店街(Tenjinbashisuji shōtengai:Tenjinbashisuji Shopping Street)

Japan's longest shopping street The total length of 2.6km is...
Tourist attractions

グランフロント大阪(Grand Front Osaka)

Realization of a new "town" open to the world including Asia...
Tourist attractions


HEP FIVE is marked by a red Ferris wheel with a diameter of ...
Tourist attractions

梅田スカイビル・空中庭園展望台(Umeda Sky Building / Aerial Garden Observatory)

A thrilling skyscraper The Umeda Sky Building is characteriz...
Tourist attractions

大阪ステーションシティ(Osaka Station City)

Huge commercial complex Osaka Station City is the station bu...
Tourist attractions

大阪城公園(Osaka Castle Park)

Green city park Osaka Castle Park is a spot that you want to...
Tourist attractions

ジョー・テラス・オオサカ(Joe Terrace Osaka)

Castle town in the green Joe Terrace Osaka, located just off...
Tourist attractions

ミライザ大阪城(Miraiza Osaka Castle)

A place that will carry the future of Osaka The main buildin...
Cultural heritage

大阪城天守閣(Osaka Castle castle tower)

Speaking of Osaka Castle, Osaka Castle built by Toyotomi Hid...
Food culture

元祖串かつ だるま(Original Kushikatsu Daruma)

Osaka Shinsekai original Kushikatsu The classic Kushikatsu r...